
题目Advanced landfill leachate treatment using a two-stage UASB-SBR system
at low temperature
摘要A two-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) and sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system was introduced to treat landfill leachate for advanced removal of COD and nitrogen at low temperature. In order to improve the total nitrogen (TN) removal eciency and to reduce the COD requirement for denitrification, the raw leachate with recycled SBR nitrification supernatant was pumped into the first-stage UASB (UASB1) to achieve simultaneous denitrification and methanogenesis. The results showed that UASB1 played an important role in COD removal and UASB2 and SBR further enhanced the nutrient removal eciency. When the organic loading rates of UASB1, UASB2 and SBR were 11.95, 1.63 and 1.29 kg COD/(m3day), respectively, the total COD removal eciency of the whole system reached 96.7%. The SBR acted as the real undertaker for NH4+-N removal due to aerobic nitrification. The system obtained about 99.7% of NH4
+-N removal eciency at relatively low temperature (14.9–10.9°C). More than 98.3% TN was removed through complete denitrification in UASB1 and SBR. In addition, temperature had a significant e ect on the rates of nitrification and denitrification rather than the removal of TN and NH4+-N once the complete nitrification and denitrification were achieved.

第1个回答  2010-06-24
采用两段式的UASB(升流式厌氧反应器)和序批式的SBR工艺,在低温条件下,进一步处理垃圾渗滤液中的COD 及营养盐。为进一步的提高总氮(TN)去除率,减少反硝化时所需的COD含量,将渗滤液原液和部分SBR反应池里的上清液泵入第一段的UASB反应池(USBA1),以达到同时反硝化和产甲烷的作用。结果显示,UASB1为降解水中COD及后续的UASB2和SBR反应池的运行效果起到很重要的作用。当UASB1、UASB2、SBR池中有机物的负荷率分别为11.95、1.63、1.29kg COD(m3/day)时,整个系统中的COD的总去除率达到96.7%。SBR反应池内为好氧硝化的主要场所,在14.9-10.9℃的条件下,整个系统的NH4-N的去除率达到了99.7%。98.3%以上的TN(总氮)在UASB1和SBR反应池内被去除。除此以外,温度对硝化和反硝化的速率会产生影响,但是对于TN和NH4+-N的去除效率不会产生影响。本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-06-24
题目 先进的垃圾渗滤液使用一种两级UASB-SBR系统
摘要 一种两级升厌氧污泥毛毯(对UASB)和序批式反应器系统介绍了垃圾填埋场渗滤液处理高级清除COD和氮在低温条件下的。为了提高总氮的去除eciency TN)(以及减少化学需氧量要求,与脱渗滤液再生SBR硝化浮被注入了第一阶段对UASB(UASB1)同时反硝化和产甲烷。结果表明,UASB1中扮演着重要角色,UASB2和SBR COD去除率的脱氮除磷eciency进一步提高。当有机负荷,UASB2 UASB1率和SBR被11.95、1.63和1.29公斤化学需氧量(m3day),总COD去除率达到eciency整个系统的探讨。充当了真正的法对NH4 +殓由于能够去除氧硝化作用。这个系统得到关于99.7%的鲜
eciency去除氮+以相对较低的温度(14.9-10.9°C)。超过提升台南市国小被通过完整的脱氮在UASB1和SBR法。另外,温度均有明显的速率的e等硝化反而不是去除氮处理和NH4 +一旦完成硝化反取得了良好的效果。