一.词性转换15%  1.private 名词___________ 反义词 __________

_2.angry  同义词 a _______   b________ 3.not any= _________     4.Dear me =          =        5. decision 动词_____________ 6.excite 形容词 ________ 7.serve 名 _____________ 8.valuable名词 ________  9.neat=  10.recently=           11.shock 形容词 ____________ 12.immediately=              = 13.plenty=              14.mad=                15. complete = 

第1个回答  2013-12-21
1.private 名词_privacy 反义词 public
2.angry 同义词 annoyed annoying
3.not any= no
4.Dear me = My goodness = My God
5. decision 动词decide
6.excite 形容词excited exciting
7.serve 名 service servant
8.valuable名词 value
9.neat= tidy (clean and tidy)
10.recently= lately
11.shock 形容词 shocked shocking
12.immediately= instantly = right now/right away/ in no time/
13.plenty= enough
14.mad= crazy
15. complete =finish/accomplish

1. 私人谈话2.无法忍受3.不关你的事4.几句话 5.在…中部 6.倒立 7.报名参加8.最佳花园竞赛9.市政厅 10.维持秩序11. on the way 12.apart from13.ask for a lift14.look up15.Don‟t interrupt16.street signs17.in spite of 18.grown up19.pay the bill20.on the stage

【1.】The money__in his room. a. was b. were c. are d. has 【2】He could do nothing. He couldn‟t do a. something b. nothing c. anything d. everything 【3】he manager was sympathetic._a. Everyone liked him b. He liked everyone c. He was sorry for the writer d. He liked the writer 【4】4.The girl returned the money .She was very __a. honourable b. honest c. honoured d. trusting

6.Work on it had begun before my sister left. My sister left _________it had begun. a. after b. without c. behind d. soon 7.They will travel faster. They will travel __________. a. sooner b. more quickly c .hurriedly d. shorter 8.She never thought ___________it again. a. for b. to c. at d. about

9.I have been offered some money. They want to ___me some money. a. serve  b .give c. take  d. make 10.I have been offered a large ____of money.a. amount b. number c. some  d. piece 

11.I am determined to stay here. I ___stay here. a. am will to  b. want to c. may  d. am going to12 I am even less lucky. I am ________lucky.a. more  b. as c. not no d. so 

13.I am only interested in doing nothing. That‟s__I‟m interested in . a. only   b. the one  c. all d. the only14.He never _any fish. a. holds b. takes hold ofc .catchesd. takes

14.He never _________any fish. 
a. holds           b. takes hold of         c .catches          d. takes 
