英问小短文if you could change one thing in the world how would you change it and why?


if you could change one thing in the world how would you change it and why?



    could 能够 ; 把装罐保存 ; 让…卷铺盖走人 ; 炒…的鱿鱼 ; 用于can的过去时 ; 能,可以 ; 能 ; can的过去分词和过去式

    change 改变 ; 变化 ; 使不同 ; 变换,改换,变成 ; 变更 ; 变革 ; 更换 ; 替代 ; 替代物

    one thing 一件事 ; 有件事

    how 怎样 ; 如何多少,多么,多大

    would you 行吗 ; 你想 ; 你会不会

    why 为什么? ; 为什么,为何 ; 何必 ; 为什么,…的原因 ; 哎呀,呦,哟,嗨 ; 原因;理

第1个回答  2021-10-24
If I could change one thing in the world,I hope the time can walk back,If so,Icould do the things again,I can make full use of the time to do what I want,I can make up the time to study better,I can use the time to have a goodtime with my grangma,I won't be so naughty.