用VB6.0编写的小程序,未使用数据库,但使用了文件操作。在其他电脑上运行时,有的可以正常运行(在部分没有安装Visual studio的电脑上亦可正常运行);有的则出现各种各样的错误提示。
这些提示包括“Run-time error 339 a file is missing or invalid”等,copy了cmdlg32.ocx后仍无效。使用Package and Deployment Wizard做成安装包后,安装时仍有“setup cannot continue because some system files are out of date on your system . dick OK if you would like setup to update these files for you now . You will need to restart Windows before you can run setup again . Click cancel to exit setup without updating system files.
Cannot update system file'C:\winnt\system32\stdole2.tlb'. You may not have permission to update system files on this machine.”的错误提示。