

第1个回答  2024-05-13
1. What is your favorite fruit?
2. There are 14 types of drupe fruits, including peaches,nectarines, apricots, cherries, plums,ume, loquat, olives, and others such as longans, lychees, and dates.Drupe trees include peach, plum, apricot, and cherry trees,whose fruits are formed from the outer wall of the ovary, the middle wall develops into the flesh, and the inner wall forms a woody seed. There is usually one seed inside the nucleus, and the edible part is the middle pericarp.
3. The characteristics of drupe fruits are small and multiple seeds,tender and juicy flesh, rich in nutrition, and containing a variety of vitamins and minerals.
4. There are 23 types of berries, including grapes, bananas, plantains, blackberries, pomegranates, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, yellow loquat, mulberries, papayas, persimmons, lychees, wolfberries, sour berries, honeysuckle berries, figs, starfruit, dragon fruit, blueberries, and tomatoes. These fruits have a lot of juice, small seeds, and are not suitable for storage.
5. Berries have different structures depending on the species, such as grapes, raisins, cassis, black cassis, and red cassis. These fruits have a unique taste and are rich in nutrients, making them one of the favorite fruits of people.
6. There are 6 types of gourd fruits, including Hami melon, honeydew melon, white gourd, watermelon, and papaya. Among them, watermelon is the most popular fruit in summer, with large fruits that are nearly spherical or elliptical.
7. Fruits of the gourd family have a hard outer skin and a sweet interior. The flesh of gourd fruits is orange-red, juicy, and sweet.
8. Gourd fruits come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with its unique characteristics and nutritional value.
9. Citrus fruits include oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pomelos, pomelos, lemons, and Buddha's hand. Citrus fruits are acidic and include lemons, oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines. The skin of lemons is thick and rough, colored a bright lemon yellow and has a unique fragrance. Citrus fruits begin to ripen in winter, November to December, but some are available in autumn. For example, the Dongshan oranges in Suzhou ripen in October. To ripen citrus fruits faster, it is necessary to strengthen light and water management.详情