
OK. Let's talk a little bit today about Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computer. Jobs, a college drop out, a drop out who then goes on to start a revolutionary computer company, that changed the way the world perceive the computer and its role in society. Steve jobs believed, I should say strongly believed that the computer should and would become a tool for the everyday person. In his own words, he says, quote, we started it out to get a computer in the hands of everyday people. And we succeeded beyond the wildest dreams. And succeed he did, in 1977 the world’s first mass marketed personal computer, the apple two, came out. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands were sold. Other companies sprang up. And by 1985 there were 38 million computers in the world. In the year 2000, that number climbed to 557 million. In millions of homes across the globe, we communicate by computer, we play games, we get and give information, we shop, we work, we organize our personal finances, all done on a personal everyday home computer. Now behind Jobs’ belief that the computer should made available to the everyday person, was a true underlined belief in technology, that technology could be used to better our lives. The seventies saw real revolution in technology, but people like Steve Jobs were motivated by more than just the need to be involved in the technological revolution. He wanted to shape it. Jobs believed that it’s important to combine technology and art to be creative. With this kind of thinking it’s not too surprising to see why the macintosh has become a favorite among artists, graphic designers, professionals in the publishing and video and animation industries. Jobs says, quote, the macintosh turned out so well because the people working on it were musicians, artists, poets, and historians, who also happen to be excellent computer scientists. So Jobs believed in technology. He believed it could be made available to everyone, and he believed that it could be used as a tool for creativity. He was certainly a pioneer.

第1个回答  2012-12-20
第2个回答  2012-12-25
