

第1个回答  2008-07-18
1 yes
2 no
3 I need food (我要食物)
4 Somebody pass the wood (谁给我点木头)
5 Gold, please (给点黄金好吗?经常被引用为“go”一起进攻)
6 Give me some stone (给我些石头)
7 Wheeeee (唉声叹气)
8 Your attempts are futile (你的企图是徒劳的)
9 Yeeehaaa (瞎叫唤)
10 Hey, I am in your town (嗨,我在你的城里)
11 Boeee (瞎起哄)
12 Join me (救我)
13 I do not think so (我不这样认为)
14 Start the game already (游戏开始了)
15 Who is the man? (这人是谁?)
16 Attack them now (现在就去叼他们)
17 Hahahaha (傻笑)
18 I am weak, please do not kill me(我很弱不经风,别杀我~~~~)
19 Hahahahahahahaha (狂笑)
20 I just got some satisfaction (我搞爽了)
21 Hey, nice town (不错,这城修得挺好)
22 We will not tolerate this behavior (我不能容忍这种行为)
23 Get out (滚出去!)
24 Dag gum (不堪一击?)
25 Oh yeah (对,有道理)

26 go,go,go 走
27 OK,letgo 好的,一起走
28 Enemy Down 敌人被消灭了
29 team,Fall Back??后退
30 fire in the hole 洞里爆炸
31 follow me 跟随我
32 Sector Clear 地区安全
33 Hold This Position 占据这个位置
34 Negative 拒绝(接受)
35 Regroup Team 重组队伍
36 """"""""Storm the Front"""""""" 血洗前线
37 Cover Me 掩护我
38 Enemy Spotted 发现敌人
39 Stick Together Team 共同作战
40 You Take the Point 你占据该要点本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2008-07-10