
要搞笑的,不要偏难偏长,简单易懂,要中文翻译,Thank you !

第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-26
英语幽默小故事 A Boy with a Big Head
"Don't listen to them," his mother said, "You have a beautiful head. Now stop crying and go to the store to buy twenty pounds of patotoes."
  "Where is the shopping bag?"

  "I haven't got one-use your hat

  一个小男孩向他母亲哭诉道:“他们都取笑我,说我脑袋大。” “别听他们的,”他母亲安慰道,“你有一个很漂亮的脑袋。好啦,别哭了,去商店买十斤土豆来。”


第2个回答  2013-09-17
A teacher asked a student to write 55.
Student asked: How?
Teacher: Write 5 and beside it another 5!
The student wrote 5 and stopped.
teacher: What are you waiting for?
student: I don't know which side to write the other 5!