(英语语法)请高手帮我看一下这句子的语法. 谢谢!!

Summer vacation is coming (up), are you going to travel with your family, hang out with your friends or spend all the time playing computer games? What are you going to do on summer vacation? Tell me your plans.

第1个回答  2013-05-12
改了一下,仅供参考参考....Summer vacation is coming soon, do you willing to travel with your family, hang out with your friends or just spending time play the computer game all day? What about your ideas? I would‘d like to listening your summer vacation plans then.稍加润色..意思表达应该和原来一样...
第2个回答  2013-05-12
Summer vacation is coming. Are you going to travel with your family, hang out with your friends or spend all the time playing computer games? What are you going to do during summer vacation? Tell me your plans.

Summer vaction is coming为什麼後面不能用comma?
on summer vacation是语法错还是? thx

如果我第一句改summer vactation is coming soon! 这样可以吗? THX


come 表示来临,
come up 表示长出地面,发生,被提出,被抽中,出现,出头 等,不合适

一般 用on vacation 表示在度假
during 表示在...期间

Summer vaction is coming.是一个独立的句子,和后面的句子没有关系,不能用逗号。后面的句子应该另起大写
summer vactation is coming soon! 这样可以


spend all the time playing computer games 这句的all the time这样用可以吗?

-->spend too much time playing computer games?
--> spend all of the free time playing computer games?
改成这样的话又可以吗, THX!!


all the time 作为固定搭配 表示总是
spend too much time playing computer games 对的,表示花费太多时间
spend all of the free time playing computer games,也可以,表示花费所有空余时间,还可以去掉of
