英语辩论 —— 大学生应不应该做兼职

今天晚上就用,比较急!~ “英语”辩论赛辩论主题:大学生应不应该做兼职 1. 一定要是英语 2. 观点鲜明 3. 呃 最好别直接从别处粘来,粘也要粘点中用的··· 好像问问里有一个“大学生兼职弊大于利攻辩问题”,比较对口,但是是中文,比较长,节减节减,能翻译下来的话也行。不要求太长,但别太短···四辩要条理清晰。嗯··· 急用 - -!

Our views are college students part-time outweigh the costs.我方观点是大学生兼职利大于弊.
In today's society, what is the most important?Talent!在当今社会中,什么最重要?人才(天才)!
What is the most important talent?Experience!人才最重视的是什么?经验!
In the process of doing part-time jobs, can exercise their social skills在做兼职的过程中,可以锻炼自己的社交能力
And to correctly handle the relationship with their colleagues并能正确处理与上级,同事的关系
In practical work for the experience and lesson为以后参加实际工作提供经验教训
And for our daily expenses increased costs.且可为我们的日常开销增加费用.
These for college students are very practical benefits这些对大学生来说都是很实际的好处
Now many students are doing a part-time job 现在很多大学生都在做兼职
This also proves our view "college part-time outweigh the costs ”of the correctness of a powerful credentials
I don't agree with each other point of view我不同意对方的观点
Such as hair handbill,比如发传单,
It can make personal expression ability was improved 它可以使个人的口头表达能力得到提高
In a short time pleasant conversation with a stranger在很短的时间内与陌生人交谈愉快
And finish your mission并完成你的任务
Isn't that a kind of ability?这难道不是一种能力吗?
This ability is no exercise can have?这种能力是不锻炼就能拥有的吗?
第1个回答  2013-04-27
正方1.part time job can increase our social experience and prepare ourself for our future career.
2. the payoff we get from the part time job can release the burden of the family.
3. part time job can help us recognize the value of the money.
4. part time job can help us to learn how to allocate the time.
5. part time job can make ourself be more mature and sophisticated.
6.part time job can make us know more people and friends,and be more social.

In general, part time job can help us to learn a lot of staff which we can't know just by books. 反方还没找到。本回答被网友采纳