

1. The phone is ringing . Please answer it. (ring)
2. Look! Your baby is smiling . (smile)
3. Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room. (sing)
4. Mr Smith is reading a book now. (read)
5. The Smiths are watching TV now. (watch)
6. Joyce and Joseph are pushing a car now. (push)
7. A girl and her friends are drinking tea at the moment. (drink)
8. Slow the car down. You are driving too fast. (drive)
9. We are beginning to plan our holiday now. (begin) 可以考虑进行时态。
10. The woman is writing a novel these days. (write)

给两篇范文 不是我写的 来自http://www.pequip.com.cn/a/201308/238993655.html
二、假设你家附近有一个动物园,请根据所给提示词写一篇短文,介绍一下你在那儿看到了哪些动物,它们有哪些特点。要求:用上所有提示词汇; 60 词左右。
提示词: zoo, animals, kind of, like, because, interesting
There is a zoo near my home. It’s big. I often go there and see animals. There are many different kinds of animals in it: monkeys, pandas, tigers and many other animals. Koalas are my favorite, because they are very cute. Dolphins are kind of smart. Giraffes are very tall and beautiful. Tigers are strong and elephants are very big. All of the animals are very interesting. I like them very much.
三、 假如你叔叔是一名警察。请根据提示词汇写一篇短文,介绍一下你叔叔的情况。要求:条理清楚,语句通顺;不少于60 词。
提示词: early, late, help students go across, the lost people, find, fight with ( 打击 ), thieves, safe ( 安全的 ), busy, dangerous
My uncle is a policeman. He goes to work early and comes back very late every day. Sometimes he helps students go across the streets. Sometimes he helps the lost people find their homes. And at other times, he fights with thieves to keep families and people safe. His job is busy and dangerous, but it’s good for people. My uncle is great. I like him very much.
第1个回答  2013-08-06
My mother is reading abook.
My father is playing game.
My sister is watching TV,and it is boring.
My brother is running.
What am i doing?
I am play soccerboll.
What about you,my friend?
第2个回答  2013-08-06

English is an globle language as we know. It plays a important role in worldwild communication. I think i should find a way to improve my English. At the first, i think we should master a lot of words, so we can make good sentences. And speaking is another important skill. Talking to each other is a good way to learn English too. I hope i can speak English well.本回答被提问者采纳