

第1个回答  2013-09-06
My view on Money
Money from our birth, it began with us. Some people despise it, some people crush it, but I said: it is practical. It is the foundation of all things, whether good, evil.
Money, itself is not wrong, wrong view it is everyone's mentality, everyone uses it means: some people use it to crime, but some people use it to build "love". The jews from urinate endowed with strong function, but they can learn more about tolerance is like money: neither let value, and make it more for their service. There is a say of good "money is not everything, but without money you can do nothing." The reality is cruel, we can't escape, but can choose not to fall "money is the root of all evil".
Who is wise and also foolish. We should do is more rational, is a more pragmatic view money to use money, not to be confused by it, service. Only in this way can you really be master of money.
这是翻译: 金钱,这个从我们出生便开始伴随我们的东西。有的人鄙视它,有的人迷恋它,但我却说:它是务实的。它是一切的基础,无论美好,无论邪恶。
第2个回答  2013-09-06
I don't think money is everything. It's true that we cannot go without money. We need to buy our daily necessities as well as pay for our shelter. However, what money can't buy are love and respect.