be strict with 和be strict in的用法有什么区别


第1个回答  推荐于2019-09-04

be strict in 后接sth,表示某事(学习,工作等)严格要求。be strict with 后接sb,表示对某要要求严格。

Eg. our English teacher is strict in our study.

Our english teacher is strict with us.



1.The officials had issued strict instructions that we were not to get out of the jeep


2.My parents were very strict.


3.It's not quite peace in the strictest sense of the word, rather the absence of war.


第2个回答  推荐于2019-10-09

be strict with 强调的是对某人很严格,with 后接宾语指代某人。 

1、例句:Coaches should be strict with athletes.   教练员对运动员应该严格。

2、例句:If I were a father, I would be strict with my son. 如果我是父亲的话我就会对儿子严格。 

be strict in 强调的是对做某事很严格,in后接宾语指代某些事物。

3、例句: We should be strict in (doing) our work. 对工作我们应该严格要求。

4、例句:His father is strict with him 他父亲对他严格要求。


例句: It's responsible to be strict in what you do. 

翻译:  对你所做的事情严格要求是负责任的表现。 

例句: Andy  is very strict about things like housework.  Andy 

翻译: 对做家务活之类的事要求非常严格。

第3个回答  2023-07-24

首先我们来看下be strict with和be strict in的大致意思:

be strict with:词性为动词短语,be strict with 表示与某人严格要求或限制。其中,be是动词be的形式,strict是形容词strict的比较级形式,with是介词,连接be strict和后面的人。

be strict in:词性为动词短语,be strict in 表示在某方面或某事上严格要求或限制。其中,be是动词be的形式,strict是形容词strict的比较级形式,in是介词,连接be strict和后面的名词。

通过下面的表格我们了解下be strict with和be strict in的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下be strict with和be strict in的用法区别:

1.对象:be strict with 后接人,be strict in 后接事物


- He is strict with the children.


- She is strict in her work.


2.范围:be strict with 强调具体的人或人群,be strict in 强调抽象的领域或范围


- Parents are strict with their children.


- The company is strict in its employee conduct.


3.语境:be strict with 更常用于家庭教育、个人关系等,be strict in 更常用于组织、机构、规章制度等


- He is strict with himself.


- The school is strict in its discipline requirements for students.


4.概括程度:be strict with 通常表示对某人的要求、限制更加具体和严格,be strict in 通常表示对某方面或某事的要求、限制较为宽泛


- Parents are strict with their children.


- We are strict in our time management.


第4个回答  2023-07-20

从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析be strict with 和be strict in的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- "Be strict with" 意味着对某人或某事有严格要求或限制。

- "Be strict in" 意味着在某个领域或方面有严格的准则或规定。


- The teacher is strict with her students' behavior. (这位老师对学生的行为要求严格。)

- He is strict in following the rules of the company. (他在遵守公司规则方面要求严格。)

2. 用法区别:

- "Be strict with" 强调对某人或某事的直接限制或要求。

- "Be strict in" 强调在某个特定领域或方面的规定或准则。


- The parents are strict with their children's bedtime. (父母对孩子的就寝时间要求严格。)

- She is strict in her adherence to a healthy diet. (她在坚持健康饮食方面要求严格。)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "Be strict with" 可以用于描述对个人、团体、行为等方面的直接要求或限制。

- "Be strict in" 更常用于描述在某个领域、规则、准则等方面的严格要求。


- The teacher is strict with the students' completion of homework. (老师对学生完成作业要求严格。)

- He is strict in following the guidelines of the project. (他在遵循项目指南方面要求严格。)

4. 形象区别:

- "Be strict with" 呈现出一种对某个特定对象或行为的严格态度或处理方式的形象。

- "Be strict in" 呈现出在某个特定领域或方面确立的严格规定或准则的形象。


- The manager is strict with latecomers. (这位经理对迟到者态度严厉。)

- She is strict in her management style. (她在管理风格上要求严格。)

5. 影响范围区别:

- "Be strict with" 着重于描述个人对特定对象或行为的直接限制或要求的范围。

- "Be strict in" 着重于描述在某个特定领域或方面确立的严格规定或准则的范围。


- The school is strict with its dress code policy. (该学校对其着装规定要求严格。)

- He is strict in the application of safety standards. (在安全标准的应用方面,他要求严格。)

第5个回答  2023-07-24

be strict with 是指对某人或某群体采取严格的态度、规则或对待方式。它通常用于描述人与人之间的关系或教育管理等情况,强调施加严格的控制、纪律或限制。

be strict in 是指对某个特定领域或方面持有严格的标准、要求或态度。它通常用于描述个人对自己的要求或某种特定情况,强调对某方面的细节或内容要求严谨。

大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 be strict with 和be strict in 吧:

be strict with 和be strict in的区别:

区别 1:

    be strict with:强调对某人或某群体采取严格的态度、规则或对待方式。

- 例子 1:The teacher is strict with the students' behavior.(老师对学生的行为很严格。)

- 例子 2:Parents should be strict with their children's screen time.(家长应该对孩子的使用屏幕时间要严格。)

    be strict in:强调对某个特定领域或方面持有严格的标准、要求或态度。

- 例子 1:He is strict in his diet and exercise.(他在饮食和锻炼方面很严格。)

- 例子 2:The company is strict in its hiring process.(公司在招聘流程上很严格。)

区别 2:

    be strict with:通常用于描述人与人之间的关系或教育管理等情况。

- 例子 1:The manager is strict with his employees to ensure productivity.(经理对员工要求严格,以确保生产力。)

- 例子 2:The coach is strict with the athletes' training regimen.(教练对运动员的训练计划要求严格。)

    be strict in:通常用于描述个人对自己的要求或某种特定情况。

- 例子 1:She is strict in following the project timeline.(她严格遵循项目进度表。)

- 例子 2:He is strict in adhering to his principles.(他严守自己的原则。)

区别 3:

    be strict with:涉及施加严格的控制、纪律或限制。

- 例子 1:The school is strict with its dress code policy.(学校对校服规定很严格。)

- 例子 2:The supervisor is strict with the use of company resources.(主管对公司资源的使用非常严格。)

    be strict in:涉及对某方面的细节或内容要求严谨。

- 例子 1:She is strict in her research methodology.(她对研究方法论要求严谨。)

- 例子 2:The professor is strict in grading assignments.(教授在打分方面要求严格。)

区别 4:

    be strict with:用于强调对违规或不当行为采取严厉的制裁或惩罚。

- 例子 1:The school is strict with students who cheat on exams.(学校对作弊考试的学生实施严厉处分。)

- 例子 2:The company is strict with employees who violate the code of conduct.(公司对违反行为准则的员工采取严厉措施。)

    be strict in:用于强调对特定领域或事物的准确性或确切执行。

- 例子 1:The architect is strict in following the building codes.(建筑师严格遵守建筑规范。)

- 例子 2:The chef is strict in the use of fresh ingredients.(厨师在使用新鲜食材方面要求严格。)
