not more/so more/any more/no more的用法


第1个回答  2013-08-24
more 在初中英语教材中经常出现,其含义及用法颇为复杂,现将其常见用法归纳如下:   1. 作副词。常放在某些双音节或多音节形容词、副词前构成比较级。如:  This car is more expensive than that one.  2. 作形容词。单独作 many , much 的比较级,意为“更多……”,在句子中通常修饰复数名词或不可数名词,作定语。如:  She has more books than I.  He bought more milk than you.  注意:这种说法可以用 many , much 来表明“多得多”,即“ many more + 可数名词”或“ much more + 不可数名词”。如:  You have many more friends than he has.  3. 相当于形容词。用于“ two ( three…… ) / some / many / a few / a little / any / no…… more + 名词”结构中,意为“又、再、还”,表示数量有所增加。如:  She ate two more oranges.  Would you like some / a little more bread ?  4. 作名词。通常有两种意思和用法:  ( 1 )表示“更多或较多的数量”,在句中多作主语或宾语。如:  There is some milk in the cup. There is more in that one.  ( 2 )表示“额外的数量、另外的一些”,用在数词或 a few , some , any , a little 等之后。如:  Give me a little more.  I'd like to have some more.  注意: more 作名词使用时,实际上是因为 more 后面的名词很明显而省略了,所以这时人们常把它看作名词使用。  5. “ no more = not …… any more ”意为“不再”。如:Time lost will return no more. = Time lost won't return any more.  6. more and more 常用在名词前,意为“越来越多”。如果用在形容词、副词(双音节或多音节词)前时,也意为“越来越……”。如:  There are more and more buildings in our city.  The little girl is becoming more and more beautiful.  7. more than 相当于 over ,常放在数词前,意为“多于、超过”。如:  I have taught here for more than ( over ) ten years.  8. “ once more = once again ”表示“再一次”。如:  Once more / again, please.  9. more or less 相当于 about ,意为“或多或少,差不多,大约”。如:  — How far is your home from school ? 你家离学校有多远?   — It's 2 kilometres, more or less. 差不多两公里。