电影 弱点的观后感


第1个回答  2013-09-03
The After-Viewing Impression of Weakness
The story of ordinary people are most impressed. The film Weakness describes a story of the famous American football player Michael Jerome Oher before rising to fame. It reflects the poverty of black and white to help realize the dream of life. Although their skins are different, it still got a harmony.
Ang lee gave micheal a lot of help that woke up his potential, which turned him into a baseball star from a homeless orphan. he finally overcome the difficulties from himself and the puzzles outside and never be unworthy of their expectation.
Looking around, there’re too many "Michael" but the lack of "Ang Lee". So we have to do our best to understand and help "Michael" more. And those friends like Michael, please believe in yourself, work hard,and you will get there.