

第1个回答  2013-05-22
[分享]牛津英语7A词组,仅供参考 喊醒他 wake him up 知道哪能找到他 know where to find him 去睡觉 go to sleep 记日记 keep a diary 保持清醒 keep awake 入睡 fall asleep 观看电视新闻 watch news on TV 收到某人的来信 hear from sb 我最好的学生 my best friend 坐在树下 sit under the trees 在午餐时 at lunchtime 全校 the whole school 在大礼堂里 in the Assembly Hall 其他所有的学生 all the other students 我最喜欢的功课 my favorite lessons 练习讲英语 practice speaking English 是……..的一员 be a member of 派人去找医生 send for a doctor 带他参观公园 show him around the park 提高你的技能 improve your skills 一周两次 twice a week 制造飞机模型 make model planes 看电视看得太多 watch TV too much 一本关于卡通的书 a book about cartoons 相互住的很近 live near each other 一直,总是 all the time 得一等奖 win the first prize 对某人满意 be pleased with sb 在网球场 at the tennis court 忙于某事 be busy with sth 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth 向某人求助 ask sb for help 问她某些问题 ask her some questions 向某人要钱 ask sb for money 以500元的价格 at the price of ¥500 开放时间 opening hours 谢谢某人做某事 thank sb for doing sth 组织某人做某事 organize sb to do sth 开灯 turn on the light 关灯 turn off the light 把收音机音量开大 turn up the radio 把收音机音量开小 turn down the radio 在……….结束时 at the end of 在………..开始时 at the beginning of 做某事很开心 have fun (in) doing sth 想要某人做某事 want sb to do sth / would like sb to do sth 想要做某事 want to do sth / would like to do sth 一位叫Tommy的新网友 a new E—friend called Tommy 网友俱乐部网址 the E—friendship Club’s website 告诉你朋友你的学校生活 tell you friends about your school life 完成做某事 complete doing sth / finish doing sth 你自己的日常活动 your own daily activities 给某人写信 write to sb / write a letter to sb 给某人回信 answer one’s letter / write back to sb 我给Mary写的信 my letter to Mary 1800多学生 more than 1800 students / over 1800 students 从小卖部买零食 by snacks from the tuck shop 相互交谈 talk to each other / talk with each other / chat with each other 我所有的新朋友 all my new friends 整个上午 all the morning the whole morning 每天花两小时做作业 spend two hours a day in doing homework 一位非常好的游泳者 a very good swimmer / quite a good swimmer 寄一份生日礼物给他 send him a birthday present / send a birthday present to him 把他给Tommy的信给我show me her letter to Tommy/show her letter to Tommy to me 有些好消息告诉你 have some good news for you 有很多时间和朋友聊天 have much time to chat with friends 想更好的了解他的学生 want to know his students better 进行一次学校游行 go on a school trip 得到一些关于中国太空博物馆的信get some information about the China Space Museum 期望有一间自己的房间 look forward to having one’s own room 期望有个美好的未来 look forward to a beautiful future 有一些关于如何学英语的问题 have some questions about how to learn English