

第1个回答  2023-05-30
1.引言:介绍perseverance(坚持)这一优秀品质的重要性,并提出短文的主题“One Thing I Keep Doing”(我一直坚持做的一件事情)
2.主体段1: 第一件事,即“我保持阅读”。讲述我对阅读的热爱和坚持,感受到了提升语言水平以及扩大知识面、放松心情等方面的益处。
3.主体段2: 我坚持自己的阅读习惯的原因,即为了提高自己的英语水平,扩展自己的知识面,避免表层知识和偏见。
4.主体段3: 阐述坚持阅读带给我的影响和改变,包括扩大视野、提高娱乐价值、锻炼耐心等。
Perseverance is an indispensable quality that every teenager should possess. It helps us overcome obstacles and achieve success in various fields. In my case, the one thing that I have kept doing is reading. In this essay, I will explain why I persist in reading and how it has benefited my life.
Reading has been my favorite activity since childhood. I enjoy reading novels, biographies, science fiction, and many other genres. Reading not only brings me pleasure but also helps me improve my English, expand my knowledge, and relax. I keep reading because it has brought numerous benefits to my life.
The reason why I persist in reading is that it can enhance my language skills and broaden my perspective. English is not my native language, and I encounter various challenges while improving my English skills.
Reading books has been a useful way of improving my vocabulary and grammar, which, in turn, has led to better academic performance.
Moreover, reading helps me expand my knowledge beyond my limited personal experience, which broadens my horizons and enables me to think more critically. I have learned about cultures, historical events, scientific discoveries, and many other topics that I might not have encountered otherwise.
Reading also serves as a means of relaxation and escape from reality. Whenever I feel stressed, I pick up a book and immerse myself in its pages. Reading helps me calm down and gain a more positive outlook on life.
In conclusion, persevering in reading has enabled me to expand my horizons, improve my language skills, and relax. Perseverance is essential because it has instilled me with the determination to overcome obstacles in other aspects of life. Therefore, I believe that every teenager should embrace perseverance as a vital quality to succeed in life.




