

第1个回答  2022-06-06

我认为花钱和老外聊天是为了啥,就是为了更好的练习口语。所以我应该抓住机会,尽量多说。当lyn问我,that all?的时候尽量多说几句。再者就是,已经知道该说些什么,就要注意怎么措辞。


Q : Do you collect things?
A : actually, i do not like gather any things, but i would say... / collecting things is not my cup of tea / it is just not my thing / have lots of CD / i am a bit of a film fanatic / in various of genres /

Q :Are there any things you keep from childhood?(有什么小时候留下的东西吗?)
A : let me think / yes / when a was a child, i am not allowed to play computer games / play card games with friends / we all like collect cards which were printed the roles of that game / those cards still saved in the drawer of my book shelf. /

Q : Would you keep old things for a long time? why?(你会把旧东西保存很长时间吗? 为什么? )
A : if that things have special meaning, i will keep it forever. / for instance, It has been many years since I finished the college entrance examination, but I still have the exercise book from that time. I think it's not just a book, but a symbol of my struggle(我已经高考完很多年了,但我仍保留着当时的练习册。我认为这不单单是一本书,而是我奋斗的象征。)

Q :Where do you usually keep things you need?(你把你需要的东西都放在哪里)
A :well / food / meat / fridge / kitchen / book and computer in the reading room / clothes in the bedroom /

topic: Describe a course that impressed you a lot

Q :Why do some people have better memory?
A :There are various reasons why some folks keep their mind better. Firstly, they pay attention to a certain thing most of the time. Secondly,if you do a thing too many times, he will never forget it.一件事情重复做很多次,他就让他难以忘怀。

Q :Do people like things of memorial significance?
A :definitely yes, for individuals, if their close friends pass away, and they ccan keep some objects which have special meaning. for the countries, there are some memorial things, in order to recall some soldiers who protected their nations. These objects enable public remember the historic forever。

Q :3. Which can help people remember things better, words or photos?(什么能够更好的帮助人们记忆,图片还是文字?)
A :pictures should the best choice to keep something in mind. i had read an article which mentioned about people can keep image information in their brain for a long term ranther than text information. therefore,there is a word-memorizing app named "百词斩" that i have used. it make use of images to lead students recite the words. actually, this method is really effective.

Q :Can technology help people remember things better? How?
A :Absolutely yes…development of technology…smart devices are invented, including computer, laptop, and camera.all of them are equiped with huge storage, thus it can help us store numerous datas such as pictures, videos and audios. meanwhile, these data can be reserved for a long time.

yes / definitely yes / absolutely yes / actually /
memerize = recall = think back = call to mind = keep in mind
impressed = overwhelm = excite me = that must be .... / that is unforgettable
do not like = dislike = not my cup of tea
collect = gather
link words: then,therefore,thus,after that,that is the reason why..., there are various reasons why... but i believe the most essential reason is that ... / further more / in addition / meanwhile / at the same time / first second third the last one / partly / in terms of / for another /
