

第1个回答  2022-01-31
首先可以用英语介绍一下冬奥会(Winter Olympics)的由来和所举办结束的时间。

第2个回答  2022-02-18
首先可以用英语介绍一下冬奥会(Winter Olympics)的由来和所举办结束的时间。

第3个回答  2022-02-21

The Canadian city hosted the Winter Olympics last year.


The Vancouver Olympics got off to a dreadful start.


The recession has also had a direct impact on the Olympics.


Russia unveiled its mascots for the 2014 Winter Olympics on Saturday.


By bidding for the Olympics, Vancouver invited the world to visit.
第4个回答  2022-02-24
The opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games was grandly opened in the capital bird's nest. Watching the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, I was surging and shocked!

  With the beautiful pictures of solar terms flashing on the screen in turn, and finally fixed at the spring equinox, we can see the vibrant grass, which symbolizes the warm spring flowers. Those dancing "grass" are actually people dancing one by one. Then the grass turned into dandelions one after another. Suddenly, the silhouette of a little boy appeared in the picture. He blew gently, and the dandelion flew away with the wind. The picture was very beautiful! What shocked me most was that a drop of blue water appeared slowly, and then the rolling Yellow River water fell from the sky and filled the whole stage. Then the Yellow River water became the ice cube, and then the ice cube changed continuously. Finally, it was engraved into the symbol of the fifth ring Olympic Games, symbolizing breaking the "solid ice" and getting close to each other!

  The opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games was very wonderful, and the appearance of athletes was particularly grand. Each country is dressed in uniform, waving its own national flag and waving to everyone! Some countries have only one or two athletes, while others have dozens of athletes. Finally, the Chinese team came out. With the melodious "five-star red flag fluttering in the wind", the athletes came slowly in Chinese red. As the host, 387 athletes of the Chinese team took all the sports of the Winter Olympic Games. At this moment, I feel extremely proud and proud of the strength of my motherland!

  China's thriving and prosperous Chinese Shuey Rhon Rhon Bing dwen dwen 2022 Olympic Winter Games in Beijing has also shown the mascot of the Winter Olympics. "Ice pier and snow melting" show the spirit of Chinese people's physical fitness, courage and struggle.
第5个回答  2022-02-21
你好,很高兴为你解答问题。冬奥会英语。你可以翻译成这样, I don't know who you are. 希望对你有所帮助。