书面表达。 根据英文提示,以"I like the Internet" 为题,写一篇60词左右的短...

书面表达。 根据英文提示,以"I like the Internet" 为题,写一篇60词左右的短文,短文开头已给出,所给英文提示词语必须用上。1.an important part , in our daily life, useful2.search, download information3.read English Weekly, with …help , practice4.send E-mails , make telephone calls6.buy, online, interesting , colorful I like the Internet The Internet is becoming an important part in our daily life._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

第1个回答  2015-01-30
                                          I like the Internet
   The Internet is becoming an important part in our daily life. It is very
useful. We can search and download information from the Internet. We
also can read English Weekly .  With  its  help ,   we can practice more.
Sending E-mails and making  telephone  calls on the  Internet  are also
popular today. We even can buy something online. It is interesting and
colorful. We learn a lot on it . I like the Internet.
