

第1个回答  2022-07-25

1.withdraw...from... 从...把某东西取出来
2.comment on 对...作出评价
3.be included in 被包含在里面
4.congratulate sb on sth 祝贺某人某事
5.protect sb from sth 保护某人免于...
6.emerge from 从...中出现
7.dream of/about 梦到
8.rely on 倚靠
9.prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事
10.be interested in 对...感兴趣
11.count on sb in sth 在某事上依赖某人
12.beware of 注意
13.persist in doing sth 坚持做某事
14.insist on sth 坚持某事
15.get rid of sth/sb 忘记某事/某人
16.hear of 听说
17.separate A from B 把A和B分开
18.cure sb of illness 治好某人的病 operate on sb 给某人做手术
19.depend on sb 依靠某人
20.accuse sb of sth 控告某人某事 suspect sb of sth 怀疑某人某事

21.think of sth 想起某事
22.expect sth from sb 期待某人做某事
23.smell of 问到
25.invest in 投资
26.be based on 以...为基础
27.lean on 倚靠在
28.suffer from 遭受
29.embark on 开始从事
30.believe in 相信
31.be dismissed from 被从...开除
32.experiment on 实验...
33.concentrate on 集中精力于
34.pride on 以...为自豪
35.fail in 失败于
36.escape from 从...逃跑
37.economize on 在...上节约
38.live on 靠...生活
39.be employed in 被雇佣
40.consist of 由...组成
41.act on 采纳
42.write on 在...写字
43.boast on 吹嘘
44.encourage sb in sth 鼓励某人
45.instruct sb in sth 教某人某事

46.be involved in 被包含在
47.prohibit sb from 禁止
48.assure sb of 向某人保证...
49.approve of 赞成
50.despair of 对...失望
51.on the stage 在舞台上
52.warn sb of 警告某人某事
53.borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物
54.delight in 以...为乐


1.agree with sb 同意某人
2.prefer to do (rather than do) 更喜欢做... wait for sb 等待某人
3.correspond with 与...通信
4.account for 解释
5.object to 反对
6.be surprised at 对...感到奇怪
7.reply to 回复
8.attend to 照应
9.exchange A for B 用A换B
10.occur to sb 某人想到 arrive at 到达
11.be shocked at 对...感到震惊
12.comply with 遵守
13.cope with 应对
14.mention to sb向某人提及 pay for 付款
15.prepare for 准备
16.blame sb for sth 责备某人某事
17.be disgusted with对...感到恶心
18.thank sb for sth 因某事感谢某人
19.stare at sb 盯着某人
20.be satisfied with 对...满意
21.amount to 达到
22.mix A with B 把A和B混合
23.knock at the door 敲门
25.reason with sb 和某人争论 listen to sb 听某人的话
26.be accustomed to 习惯于 part with 与...分离
27.call for sb 给...打电话
28.surrender to 向...投降 be condemned to death被判死刑
29.look for 寻找
30.see to 负责

31.apologize for 为...道歉
32.respond to 对...反应
33.turn to sb for help 向某人求助 quarrel with sb和某人吵架
34.hope for 希望
35.apply to sb 向某人申请
36.be attached to 被粘贴在
37.guess at 猜某事
38.work with 从事,与...共事
39.begin with以...开始
40.charge sb for sth 向某人要价


1.be jealous of 嫉妒
2.be qualified for 称职 be efficient at 在某方面效率高
3.be fortunate in 在某方面幸运 supply for 为...供应
4.contrary to 与...相反 be uneasy about 对...不自在
5.be familiar with 对...熟悉 be keen on 对...热情
6.be slow at 在某方面迟钝 be patient with 对...耐心
7.be obvious to 在某人看来是明显的 be responsible for 对...负责
8.be honest with 对...诚实
9.be in different to对...冷漠 be rude to对...粗鲁
10.be fond of 喜欢
11.be dependent on依靠

12.be grateful to/for sth感激某事
13.be different from 与...不同
14.be quick at 在某方面快 be capable of 有能力做某事
15.be intent on sth专心致志于 be doubtful about怀疑
16.be sorry for 对...感到抱歉 be angry with sb 对某人感到生气
17.be good at 善于
18.be ahead of 领先于
19.be cruel to 对...残忍 be faithful to 对...忠诚
20.be consistent with 和...一致
21.be useful to sb对某人有用
22.be sure of sth确信某事
23.be guilty of sth某方面有罪
24.be sensitive to 对...敏感
25.be valid for+时间 什么时间内有效


1.approve of 赞同
2.be guilty of 有...罪 be condemned to death被判死刑
3.occur to sb 某人想起 be different from 与...不同
4.consult sb on sth咨询某人某事 act on 按照...行事
5.prevent sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事 quarrel with sb 与...争吵

6.respond to 对...做出回应 cure sb of illness治好某人的病
7.live with 和某人一块生活 be dependent on依赖
8.reason with sb 与...评理 be rude to 对...粗鲁
9.be grateful to 对...感激 be patient with 对...耐心
10.be good at 擅长 rely on 倚靠
11.think of 考虑到 look for 寻找
12.interfere with/in sth 干涉
13.believe in sth 相信某事
14.be obvious to sb某人看来很明显persist in doing sth坚持做某事be angry with sb 对某人生气
15.demand much of sb对某人要求多be equal to 与...相等,胜任
16.be sure of 确信
17.provide for sth提供
18.be afraid of 害怕 mention to 提及
19.blame sb for sth 责备某人某事 be responsible for 对...负责
20.be keen on对...热情 encourage sb in sth在某方面鼓励某人
21.beware of 当心be enthusiastic about对...热情
22.appeal to 呼吁
23.be sorry for sth对...感到抱歉be shocked at 对...感到震惊
24.be interested in对某事感兴趣
25.be aware of 意识到lie ahead of在...前面
28.be inferior to 优于
29.comment on 评价

30.pride on 以...为自豪 be capable of 有能力做...
31.be accustomed to 适应于
32.agree to/with 同意be ignorant of无视
33.confess to 承认,坦白be converted to 使改变信仰
34.borrow sth from sb向某人借某物 be shy of doing sth 害羞不敢做某事
35.fail in doing sth做某事失败count on sb依靠某人