

第1个回答  2022-10-18

1. 以My special

My Special Day

It was my special day last Sunday because it was my mother's forty-first birthday.I did a lot of things on that day. In the morning, I went to the supermarket. I bought a yellow sweater for my mother as her birthday present .It was my first time that I bough the present for my mother.And I make money by myself. I sold newspapers for a week. My mother was very pleased with what I did. How happy my mother and I were.

2. 以A Special Experience为题写一篇短文

Yesterday,I went my hometown——Deng Feng!I felt very excited!First,we went to "Ying Xian Ge",I climbed it , I felt very tired! Then we went to "Xiao Yao Ge "to have lunch ~

In the afternoon ,we went to"Lu Ya Pu Bu", I have been there many times,but today,I felt happy and excited

Because ,1.I caught a crab~It's so cute~2.I met an English! Because my mother can speak English very well,so we asked her to have a rest ,we talked a lot ,she has been in China for o and half years ,she always livesin Hang Zhou , now is traling all of the world ,we knew her name is Christine Miller~Then I asked her to take photos with me and my brother ,she said she does.

Then,we back home , on the way,we invited her to go with us ,she is happy ! So we had dinner together! I felt so excited~She is very fun ,but,she has no child.(I don't know why).So I thought it's really a special experience! How do you think of it?

3. the most special作文

Today is my birthday ,I am very happy ,because I received a special gift that my father bought for me , when I opened the box ,I found it is a beautiful diamond, I think it must be very expensive ,my father said this is just his desire, he wished that I will be study hard,and have a better future ,My father's words touched me ,I think I received o special gifts :one is diamond ,the other is father's words !。

4. 英语作文《A special

A special hobbies

An activity in which we take an interest outside our regular work bees a hobby. Some students make drawing or painting a hobby, for others collection of stamps or gardening. Shell collecting on the beach is the hobby of some children.

Hobby benefits bring individuals. For example, a person who collects stamps of various countries of the world takes a special interest in the study of the subject of the stamp as well as the country where it is used. He may spend a lot of money to buy rare stamps for his album and takes a great pride in owning them. Hobby also teaches a person the value of things or activity he is interested in.

As for me I have had a few hobbies at different stages in my life. My earliest hobby was stamp collecting. Then it was keeping pets. I had o pet dogs and a parrot. Presently my hobby is gardening. I plant flowers and vegetables in my house pound and water them everyday. I nurse the plants by weeding or putting manures at times. Very often I sell my flowers to florists and get a *** all ine.

It s wiser to engage oneself in any hobby than it is idle a way one's precious time.

5. 有关一篇(a special memory)的作文

When i was a student,i wasn't a good student.I liked playing whenever,so my grades was very low.My parents were always angre with me,i don't mind it,becuase i thought this won't affect my future life.But oneday,my teacher said to me;"Oh,my baby you are so *** art,If you use a little heart in the study up, you must be among the best."I was moved, and then I try reading, parents and teachers are very pleased.。

6. 写一篇关于 special days 的英语作文 150字左右 要求能贴近生活

Special Days

Everyone has its special days.To me,a teenager,special days don't mean Children's Day,Spring Festival and any other days,but to mean the day my father gave me strength and confidence,and even the second life.

When I was *** all,I suffered a strang terrible disease,which made me cough day and night.I had to stay in bed all day.My father had worried about that.He took me from hospital to hospial.He gave up his job,took good care of me everyday.Soon we ran out of money.But I still Cough.I had thought I was dying.I started to lose heart and then an terrible idea occured to me.I wanted to mit suicide.Knowing about that,father got angry,"How can you do that,poor boy?We should not lose heart.We should not give up.I'll cure you at any cost."Father looked at me softly."I am sorry dad,I know you love me but。""Don't say that again,we are father and son,and will be together forever."Hearing this,tears came to my eyes.I looked up at the calendar,it said September 23rd.

From then on,father borrowed money from door to door,and took me to see the doctors again.I recovered soon.

September 23rd is a very special day to me .It made me know, Never give up anytime!

7. 以a special team为题写一篇作文60词

Some of my clas *** ates were very good at this game and I often tried to pete with them to improve my skill. Sometimes I would find a partner to play tennis with me, but as yet I am not very good at this sport. In my senior year I started to practice tennis. In high school I spent many hours playing outdoor sports. I enjoyed team sports like basketball and volleyballDuring my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis。

8. 以a special children's day写一篇英语作文

my thirteenth children"s day is the most special day of all because i felt there is a lot of love around me .my family is not as rich as my clas *** ate "s,so when i wear poor clothes to school ,my clas *** ates always laughed at me .i bee more and more inconfident .but the children "s day changed this .that day ,i went home sadly after school because i thought my father and mother hadn"t the ability of buying a present for me .but when i entered my room ,my father and my mother held on a blue skirt !they said this was my present .i hadn"t seen such a beautiful skirt since i was born .i cried .since that day ,i bee confident and kind just for this special day of my life.。
