
我急需一篇80个词左右的英语看图作文,我是初二的学生,请大家不要写的太难! 这张图片的大概意思是:有一天天空下着小雨,有一个女孩儿在外头迷路了,增长在马路旁的公交站牌那哭,刚好有两个小男孩儿骑车路过,发现了她,于是两个男孩儿就停下车,过去问她怎么了,小女孩儿跟他们说她迷路了,然后两个男孩儿就问她住在哪?女孩儿把自家的地址告诉了他们,他们就带着迷路的小女孩找到了女孩儿的家,女孩儿到家后从妈妈飞奔而去,与妈妈抱在一起,跟妈妈说了两个男孩儿送她回家的事并感激两位男孩儿,等到雨过后,天晴了女孩儿和妈妈就送走了两个男孩儿!(这是图片的地址:

第1个回答  2008-09-25
It was a raining day. A girl got lost at a bus stop and she was crying when two boys noticed her and stopped their bikes to help her.They asked her why she was crying and where did she live. The girl honestly told them where her home is and was then taken home by the two kind boys .When she arrived , the girl ran into her mother and tightly hugged her. She told her mother how the two warm-hearted boys helped her and her mother thanked them a lot.The mother and her daughter saw the boys off when the rain stopped.