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第1个回答  2008-09-26
The Career Planning Process
Taking It Step-By-Step

By Dawn Rosenberg McKay, About.com

What is Career Planning?
Career planning is a lifelong process, which includes choosing an occupation, getting a job, growing in our job, possibly changing careers, and eventually retiring. The Career Planning Site offers coverage of all these areas. This article will focus on career choice and the process one goes through in selecting an occupation. This may happen once in our lifetimes, but it is more likely to happen several times as we first define and then redefine ourselves and our goals.

Career Planning: A Four Step Process
The career planning process is comprised of four steps. One might seek the services of a career development professional to help facilitate his or her journey through this process. Whether or not you choose to work with a professional, or work through the process on your own is less important than the amount of thought and energy you put into choosing a career.
Gather information about yourself (self assessment)

* Interests
* Values
* Roles
* Skills/Aptitudes
* Preferred Environments
* Developmental Needs
* Your realities


* Explore the occupations in which you are interested
* Research the industries in which you would like to work
* Research the Labor Market

Get more specific information after you narrow down your options by:

* Job Shadowing
* Part time work, internships, or volunteer opportunities
* Written materials
* Informational interviews

During this phase of the process, you will:

* Identify possible occupations
* Evaluate these occupations
* Explore alternatives
* Choose both a short term and a long term option

You will develop the steps you need to take in order to reach your goal, for example:

* Investigating sources of additional training and education, if needed
* Developing a job search strategy
* Writing your resume
* Gathering company information
* Composing cover letters
* Preparing for job interviews

Using Your Network
Thursday September 25, 2008
Many people think about networking only when it comes to a job search. The saying "it's not what you know, it's who you know" usually refers to using your connections to get a job or to move up the corporate ladder. Smart people, though, use their network in many other ways.

Take for example a colleague of mine who needed some information about the pre-teen and teen phenomenon, High School Musical. Having no children that age herself, she was not well-acquainted with this series of television movies, an upcoming feature film and a gizillion licensed products (some of us know a little too much about it). I guess she could have done some research and found information on the Web. There is certainly plenty — a Google search yields 66,500,000 hits. Smart as my colleague is, she knew she could do better than that. Why should she have to sift through all that stuff, much of it irrelevant, when she could go directly to the source — the actual fans.

So, my colleague went to her network to find out if any of us have kids who are High School Musical fans. She hit the jackpot and got many responses to her request. Several of us had kids who are fans of HSM, as it is known to its target audience. She was able to ask them some very focused questions in order to get just what she needed. What a great example of using your network for something other than job searching.


第2个回答  2008-09-26
第3个回答  2008-09-26
1.Career pathway planning
Choosing a career path can be tricky no matter how old you are. The activities involved in making career choices, trying out different options and changing our career paths (and our minds) will become part of our lifelong career journeys. The thing to remember is that not knowing exactly what you want to do isn't the end of the world. Keep focused on finding out and trying options. One thing that
can help you to decide on a career path, find a suitable job or choose an appropriate course is career planning.
What is career planning?
Career planning can help step you through the process of choosing a realistic career, deciding the best way to pursue it and then taking action. Like any plan, it provides a more formal way of thinking about your future by writing down a proposed way forward and periodically revisiting your decisions to see how
you're tracking. A career plan involves:
• being passionate about what you want to do;
• identifying your skills, goals and interests and then matching a job, course or
training program to these;
• researching the range and type of jobs that fit into your area of interest –
when you start investigating, it's amazing what different jobs are available;
• developing a strategy to find work or pursue training in your chosen field;
• carrying out your plan.
This may mean putting things into action like applying for a job or course; or may
mean reviewing your goals and strategies and planning an alternative course of
How do I create and action a career plan?
You can create a career plan by using resources provided by your school or by
information on websites.
出处:Australia Department of Education, 2006
Transition planning [web page]
available at: www.eduweb.vic.gov.au [accessed on 26/09/2008]

参考资料:available at: www.eduweb.vic.gov.au
