麻烦专业人士帮我翻译一下自荐信,译成英文的 非常非常感谢~~急用!!

我来自农村,艰苦的条件磨练出我顽强拼搏、不怕吃苦的坚韧个性,同时也让我知道了知识的重要性。我很平凡,但我不甘平庸。从小父母就告诫我只有知识才能让我走出大山,脱离平困。大学期间,积极进取,努力学习专业知识,用知识充实自己;在班级里担任班干部,作为班级的干部以身作则,对班级对他人对自己负起了一份责任,在责任的促使下,监督他人的同时,也严格要求了自己;并积极参与学校组织的各类活动,使我的组织领导能力和团结协作精神得到了锻炼。通过不懈努力,多次获得了奖学金,考取了会计从业资格证,能熟悉掌握办公软件及会计电算化软件,Photoshop、Illustrator CorelDRAW 、flash 、Dreamweaver等平面设计软件二维动画软件和网页设计软件,熟练Adobe Premiere影视剪辑Adobe AfterEffects 影视后期软件。并利用业余时间考取了驾驶执照,这将为迎接未来道路上的机遇和挑战做好准备。
自荐人: 日期:2014年1月2日
灰常感谢,你能在帮帮我翻译一点好吗?1、本人性格热情开朗,待人友好,为人诚实谦虚。工作勤奋,认真负责,能吃苦耐劳,尽职尽责,有耐心。具有亲和力,平易近人,善于与人沟通。学习刻苦认真,成绩优秀,名列前茅。品学兼优,连续三年获得学院奖学金,在平时学校生活中,做过很多兼职。例如:家教、电话访问员、酒楼服务员、派传单、问卷调查,还到工厂打过暑期工,亲身体会了各种工作的不同运作程序和处事方法,锻炼成了吃苦耐劳的精神,并从工作中体会到乐趣,尽心尽力。 2、四年的大学生涯,让我的组织协调能力、管理能力、应变能力等大大提升,使我具备良好的心理素质,让我在竞争中拥有更大的优势,让我在人生事业中走得更高更远。获得了“优秀大学生”和“优秀毕业生”的称号。3、忠实诚信,讲原则,说到做到,决不推卸责任;有自制力,做事情始终坚持有始有终,从不半途而废;肯学习,有问题不逃避,愿意虚心向他人学习;自信但不自负,不以自我为中心;愿意以谦虚态度赞扬接纳优越者,权威者;会用100%的热情和精力投入到工作中;平易近人。为人诚恳,性格开朗,积极进取,适应力强、勤奋好学、脚踏实地,有较强的团队精神,工作积极进取,态度认真。、

第1个回答  2014-01-02
Thank you in spite of being very busy to glance review my cover letter. you are opening a door of hope for an enthusiastic student. The choosing profession, I harbor an absolute sincerity the heart and to enterprise's rigid pursue, sincere recommends myself. My name is Wang Xun, a student at Northwestern University, obtaining a double bachelor degree majoring in new media and accounting.
I'm from the countryside, I'm hardworking and is able to endure hardships. I want to prove myself through strives for success diligently in this filed. I very ordinary, but I refuse to mediocrity. Since my parents told me that only knowledge can let me out of poverty, I began to study hard. During the university, I strove to learn professional knowledge to enrich myself with knowledge in a positive attitude. As a class monitor,I showed them through my own example the importance of responsibility. I also actively participated in all kinds of activities organized by school, I have been training. Through unremitting efforts, I won several scholarships, obtained the accounting qualification certificate and familiar with office software and computerized accounting software, Photoshop, Illustrator CorelDRAW, flash, Dreamweaver and graphic design software 2D animation software and Webpage design software as well as Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects. And I got driver's license in my spare time, which means I am ready for the challenges and opportunities in my future life.
For a new member who just stepped into the society, I am far from mature and has too little experience, but teachers taught me "Knowledge has no limit", I firmly believe that "God helps those who help themselves ". I have confidence, I will use my good performance to prove my ability. If your company can hire me, I will integrate into the team as soon as possible and try my best to do my bit for the company. In future work, I will continue to work hard and prove that your choice is right! Wishes the expensive unit enterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day.
你自己调整一下格式,如果觉得还不行的话,加我qq 2391626184 我再帮你修改。

1. I am warm and cheerful disposition, friendly and honest humility. I am also Hard working, conscientious, have patience. I have an affinity and good communication skills. As a student, I study hard and got a good achievement so that I can be top in my class. My excellent performance made me got college scholarships for three consecutive years. In my spare time, I alway do some part-time job. For example, tutor, telephone interviewers, restaurant waiter, leafleter, questionnaire investigator, and ever did a summer job in the factory. I have accumulated rich experiences of ways of doing things and the various operation in different jobs. From the work, I appreciated it a lot and dedicated myself in it.
2. During the four years in college, my ability of organization and coordination, management ability and strain ability greatly improved.
I won the honorary title --excellent students" and "outstanding graduate". A number of things make one the swimmer he is, but I think it is largely psychological. I think I have good psychological quality, which let me have a greater competitive advantage to go farther in my life career.
3.I'm faithful, never pass the buck and do what I said with principle.
I also have self-control, never give up halfway, willing to learn from others modestly and confident but not arrogant and self-centered. I always love my job very much and devote almost all my enthusiasm and energy.平易近人。为人诚恳,性格开朗,积极进取,适应力强、勤奋好学、脚踏实地(这前面你已经说过这几句啦)有较强的团队精神,工作积极进取,态度认真(这个昨天翻译的那段里面翻过了,不用再重复啦)