
中小型锅炉烟气脱硫的实验研究 都翻译成英文,谢谢,万分感谢

第1个回答  2008-09-08
China's increasingly serious sulfur dioxide pollution, small and medium-sized coal-fired boiler SO2 pollution is caused by one of the important sources of pollution. Wet desulfurization is alkaline solution (or size), desulfurizer and SO2 in the absorption tower in a gas-liquid chemical reaction to achieve the purpose of desulfurization. This paper established a limestone / gypsum wet FGD spray simple test-bed tower, an important experiment on the operating parameters of the spray tower desulfurization efficiency of the law. Experimental system of the flue gas from coal combustion, simple droplet spray tower reactor size and composition of systems to meet the mercury salt tetrachlorophthalic Deputy Rose aniline Determination of the sulphur dioxide content. Experimental results show that simple droplet spray tower desulfurization efficiency of about 60 percent, an increase of liquid gas and serous than pH, temperature and reduce gas and smoke at the entrance to reduce the concentration of flue gas desulphurization efficiency can be improved.
Key words: small and medium-sized boiler, flue gas desulphurization; simple droplet spray tower; limestone / gypsum wet; desulfurization efficiency
Add: small and medium-sized boiler flue gas desulphurization Experimental studies have translated into English, thank you, thank him本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2008-09-08
China's increasingly serious sulfur dioxide pollution, small and medium-sized coal-fired boiler SO2 pollution is caused by one of the important sources of pollution. Wet desulfurization is alkaline solution (or size), desulfurizer and SO2 in the absorption tower in a gas-liquid chemical reaction to achieve the purpose of desulfurization. This paper established a limestone / gypsum wet FGD spray simple test-bed tower, an important experiment on the operating parameters of the spray tower desulfurization efficiency of the law. Experimental system of the flue gas from coal combustion, simple droplet spray tower reactor size and composition of systems to meet the mercury salt tetrachlorophthalic Deputy Rose aniline Determination of the sulphur dioxide content. Experimental results show that simple droplet spray tower desulfurization efficiency of about 60 percent, an increase of liquid gas and serous than pH, temperature and reduce gas and smoke at the entrance to reduce the concentration of flue gas desulphurization efficiency can be improved.
Key words: small and medium-sized boiler, flue gas desulphurization; simple droplet spray tower; limestone / gypsum wet; desulfurization efficiency本回答被提问者采纳