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Waacking是一种上世纪初起源于美国西海岸黑人和拉丁美洲人聚集地的同性恋社区里Gay Bar的舞蹈
Waacking”如果由根说起的话,那可以倒带到20世纪初期。那时有些非常隐秘的同性恋的夜总会经常会有男人穿着女装,用着女人的歌曲登台演出。在Waacking确定名字和成为主流舞蹈之前,那些也场的表演者们在舞蹈上是非常有创造性的。对于Waacking来说,Disco Music的出现使它找到最棒的媒介
Waacking 是类似于Popping、Locking之类的Freestyle舞蹈,她并不是爵士舞的分支或元素。其动作可以融合House、Soul等元素,非常的具有观赏性和传播性,应用在一些酒吧迪吧等小场地的演出和交流,其效应必将引起街舞新的革命。国内的Waacking元素的舞蹈并不是十分的流行和被人肯定,但是经过街舞舞者的发展必将是新的跨时代的街舞新篇章。

Waacking is one of the last century originated in the west coast of the United States in the Gay community as a gathering place of blacks and latinos Gay Bar dance
Waacking ", that is, if the root of the can pour into the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, some very secretive gay nightclub often there will be a man wear women's clothing, with the women's songs stage. Before Waacking sure name and become a mainstream dance, those are the performers in the dance is very creative. For Waacking, Disco Music appears to it to find the best medium
Waacking "is popular in the west bank in the early 70 s
Waacking is similar to Freestyle dance Popping, Locking, she is not a branch or elements of jazz dance.House, Soul, and so on elements, its action can be fusion very are ornamental and transmitted, used in some small bars such as ted site performance and communication, its effect will cause new revolution street dance.Domestic Waacking elements of dance is not very popular, and to be sure, but after the development of hip-hop dancers will certainly is a new era of hip-hop new chapter.